Thursday, 31 December 2015

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Prince of darkness: P2 freemason and loyal fascist Licio Gelli dies at 96

Man at the heart of Italy's darkest mysteries dies at 96 after being convicted several times for conspiracy and tax fraud.

Monday, 14 December 2015

The 290 Million Year Old Fossil Human Footprint – REALLY!?

There is a story going around, that up in the Robledo Mountains of southern New Mexico exists a mind bending fossilised impression. Why should this be of interest you wonder? The answer is, because it is seemingly the print of a human being wandering the area some 290 million years ago.
I for one support a revised view of human origins, one that is very controversial, it is my publicly stated opinion that human beings, of one sort or another, go back further than currently believed and that Homo sapiens go back several hundred thousand years beyond the current consensus dating. Despite all of that, I admit it is a struggle to believe a man much like myself was wandering around New Mexico long before even dinosaurs had arisen on our planet!
What is to be made of this story, indeed of the photographic evidence also provided to accompany it?
Full article here:

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

The Jesuits; Owners of the 500 Year-Old Flat Earth Con-Piracy

A sulfurous, long and well-documented article which begins so:

“The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms [sic] – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses…”
Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French)

Full article here:

Sunday, 8 November 2015

From the horse's mouth - George Soros' plan for Europe

"The International Migration Initiative seeks to address exploitation, discrimination and violence against migrants at every stage of their migration journey. Specifically, the initiative aims to increase protections for migrants in the Asia/Middle East and the Central America/Mexico corridors while improving policymaking and the governance of international migration.
Two unique aspects of the initiative’s approach amplify its impact: First, our focus on migration corridors means the initiative is active in both countries of origin and destination, and thus targets every stage of the migration journey. Second, we bridge advocacy and policy by drawing on the experience of grassroots organizations, while engaging with policymaker and political leaders. Through empowerment, policy change, and legal action, we target reforms that can meaningfully improve the working and living conditions of migrants.
The International Migration Initiative’s main areas of work are built around increasing protections for migrants and improving migration policymaking and the governance of international migration. Within these strategic priority areas, the initiative targets three overarching goals:"
The full monty here:

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

The Grail Cypher

A Series of 4 Episodes with Ralph Ellis, Michael Tsarion and David Whitehead.

In this groundbreaking 4 part series we bring together Ralph Ellis and Michael Tsarion in an epic discussion on the real story of King Arthur, a fresh look at biblical history, astrology, and symbolism. 

Are you willing to have your view of Arthurian, British and Christian history challenged? Are you ready to accept the esoteric mysteries and heresies of the Knights Templar? 

Once we understand that Jesus and Arthur shared a common history, the rest of Arthurian legend starts to fall into place. 

So join Ralph on an extraordinary tour of Arthurian history, much of which you did not even know existed: Jesus’ son was the king of Palmyra; St. Peter was the Guardian of the Holy Grail; Pompey the Great and the pirates of Gibraltar; Secrets of Mithras and the bull of Taurus; King Arthur’s battle with Vespasian; The Roman creation of Christianity; The Holy Grail was brought to Earth by aliens; Sir Galahad dressed as a woman; The burial of Jesus-Arthur at Stonehenge; tons more. 

These are all elements of the Arthurian chronicles that have remained unexplored and unexplained until now. 

But how can we comprehend the true history of King Arthur if we have not considered the entire corpus of this labyrinthine story? 

If we bring all these many diverse strands together, and decipher their true meaning, they explain a great deal about the history of Europe, Britain and Christianity. 

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Ralph's website:

Michael’s site:

Modern Knowledge:

Monday, 26 October 2015

Sunday, 25 October 2015

The Arabian Messiah

A mind-blowing and well-researched article by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat


“At the core of this whole Messianic culture is ancient Arabian/tribal tradition intimately interwoven with pagan myths”

Have you ever wondered why the so called “Middle East” is the world’s most volatile spot? Moreover, why is it that the Arab World is the world’s hotbed for extremism and violence?

Why the Middle East, with its Muslim, Christian and Jewish communities, has always been engulfed in a state of “perpetual conflict” that is stubbornly unresolvable. And I’m not just referring to the last 50-70 years or so (ever since the [Jewish] state of Israel was cunningly established) but to an era that goes further back in time.

My examination of this perpetual unrest goes back to the crusades time, the rise of Islam with the subsequent conflict between the Shia and Sunni followed by decades of ruthless raids east and west of Arabia, the emergence (and politicization) of Jesus Christ story with the ensuing martyrdom and split between the Eastern and western church and even back to the so called Babylonian Captivity and the notorious ancient tale of the Exodus.

Why the area is (and has always been) in such a mess?

To read the full article, please click on the link below:

Friday, 16 October 2015

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Another hidden truth...

The SON of God is the SUN of God!
Do you think it's a coincidence that both words sun and son have exactly the same pronunciation? In German, the sun is spelt: Sonne. And of course, the sun gives its life (energy) so that we can live.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Stop The Pirates: Americans pay a percentage of their taxes to the Q...

Stop The Pirates: Americans pay a percentage of their taxes to the Q...: Americans pay a percentage of their taxes to the Queen of England via the IRS. The IRS is not an agency of the Federal Government. It ...

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Michael Tsarion Path of the Fool Video Series

If you want to know a bit more about the Tarot, this series is for you.

Friday, 4 September 2015

Santos Bonacci: The Sacred Secret of the Christ Within

A very important video by Santos Bonacci, with Spanish subtitles, which might enlighten you and which, no doubt, will anger all fundamentalist Christians.Just do your homework, do some research by yourself and you might find some valuable information.

Friday, 28 August 2015

A quote from Aesop

Why this blog?

What follows is a quote by an independent researcher named Jordan Maxwell, who has been a huge inspiration for the past years. If you don't know the guy, yet, hurry! Most of his books and videos are packed with mind-blowing information.You can listen to some of his shows by clicking on the following link, which is the only official and legitimate Jordan Maxwell site.

The Jordan Maxwell Show

"The more you begin to investigate what we think we understand, where we came from, what we think we're doing, the more you begin to see we've been lied to. We've been lied to by every institution. What makes you think for one minute that the religious institution is the only one that's never been touched? The religious institutions in this world are at the bottom of the dirt. The religious institutions in this world are put there by the same people who gave you your government, your corrupt education, who set up your international banking cartels. Because our masters don't give a damn about you or your family. All they care about is what they have always cared about and that's controlling the whole damn world. We have been misled away from the true and divine presence in the universe that men have called "God". I don't know what God is but I know what he isn't. And unless and until you are prepared to look at the whole truth wherever it may go, whoever it may lead to, if you want to look the other way, or if you want to play favorites then somewhere along the lines you're going to find out you're messing with the divine justice. The more you educate yourself, the more you understand where things come from- the more obvious things become and you begin to see lies everywhere. You have to know the truth and seek the truth and the truth will set you free."

Jordan Maxwell, opening speech to Zeitgeist