Thursday, 31 December 2015

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Prince of darkness: P2 freemason and loyal fascist Licio Gelli dies at 96

Man at the heart of Italy's darkest mysteries dies at 96 after being convicted several times for conspiracy and tax fraud.

Monday, 14 December 2015

The 290 Million Year Old Fossil Human Footprint – REALLY!?

There is a story going around, that up in the Robledo Mountains of southern New Mexico exists a mind bending fossilised impression. Why should this be of interest you wonder? The answer is, because it is seemingly the print of a human being wandering the area some 290 million years ago.
I for one support a revised view of human origins, one that is very controversial, it is my publicly stated opinion that human beings, of one sort or another, go back further than currently believed and that Homo sapiens go back several hundred thousand years beyond the current consensus dating. Despite all of that, I admit it is a struggle to believe a man much like myself was wandering around New Mexico long before even dinosaurs had arisen on our planet!
What is to be made of this story, indeed of the photographic evidence also provided to accompany it?
Full article here: